What's Next for the Marvel Cinematic Universe

This is part two of my two part blog on the MCU. I rated the movies in order of what I thought about them yesterday. Today we will be looking at what has been announced from 2018 to 2020.

February 16, 2018: Black Panther. With the recent announcement of Kendrick Lamar doing the soundtrack I couldn't be more excited. Hearing that the first cut of the movie is 4 hours can be a little intimidating. I assume they will do their best to trim the fat and introduce us to Wakanda which will play a pivotal role in their next movie as well.

May 4, 2018: That movie is Avengers: Infinity War. They've shown us several big set pieces in the movie. They've shown us all the characters. It is going to be interesting if they can weave the web correctly and make us care about Spider-Man from the Spiderverse, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Avengers, The Avengers who are exiled, and whatever characters they may have pop up. It will also be interesting if they can properly establish Thanos as the major player the last 18 movies have lead up to.

July 6, 2018: Ant Man & The Wasp. I'm not sure anyone thought Ant Man would be a hit. I didn't. It was. It introduced me to a character I had probably ignored in any comic I've read, show I've watched, or game I've played. The dynamic they created with him, and his co star will be interesting as they progress fleshing out the newer Avengers.

March 8, 2019: Captain Marvel. Before I begin, please note Captain Marvel is a she. She will be the first super heroine to get her first solo movie, portrayed by Brie Larson. It will be interesting how they weave another character from the cosmic universe in.(Guardian's of the Galaxy are also considered cosmic universe as are all comics that take place outside of earth with the exception of probably InHumans.) Somehow, someway, Nick Fury(Samuel L. Jackson) is scheduled for the movie. He has been notably absent from recent MCU movies because they didn't want too many characters in them.(and should have been a major plot point in Civil War & the Season 4 Agents of Shield LMD story line.) It is a shame it will have been roughly 4-5 years in between Samuel L Jackson being in the universe. And don't be disappointed we never got the rumored Scarlett Johansson Black Widow movie.

May 3, 2019: Avengers Infinity War Sequel. No name as of yet. It was previously called Infinity War Part 2. This will be the movie they beat Thanos. They introduce more characters and such. Until we see Infinity War we can't really do a ton of speculation. What I do have for speculation will be after the movie list.

July 5, 2019: Spider-Man: Homecoming Sequel. Again untitled. I assume the Scorpion will play a larger role in the movie. I'm sure we will see Tom Holland's Peter Parker grow in his relationship with MJ, rivalry with Flash, and something happens with Ned. Don't expect the Scorpion to be the only Spider-Man villain. There is also a rumor that much like Robert Downey Jr.'s appearance in Homecoming that another MCU character will grace Homecoming 2 replacing RDJ. While Holland and Evans had a great rapport as Spider-Man and Captain America respectively, I don't expect it to be that duo. This is my most anticipated movie besides Infinity War on the list. Spider-Man is the best Marvel hero.

2 Untitled Movies. There is speculation that if the 3rd Holland Spider-Man movie is in the MCU and not the Sony-verse/Spider-verse, then it may get one of these two spots. This could also be an entry point for the movies I speculate about below.

Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Most likely in 2020. It is listed in many articles as one of the 3 untitled movies so I felt it deserved a paragraph itself since Director James Gunn has confirmed a 3rd movie will happen. Can't wait.

Now for the speculation. For the next year and a half Fox will still be putting out the rest of its X-Men movies. The New Mutants(April 13, 2018), Ryan Reynolds Deadpool 2(June 1, 2018), and the Sophie Turner Dark Phoenix(November 2, 2018) are the 3 announced for this year. Beyond that they've announced Gambit(2019, originally 2015 with Channing Tatum attached.) and 5 unannounced movies. I can already tell you that Gambit is most likely cancelled. So are the 5 unannounced movies. Now with the acquisition of the X-Men you get the fun of speculating it could now be one of the two Untitled Movies. Or we could see the X-Men just add to the 2019 schedule. Do they keep the cast or ditch the cast? That's the question that we have.

And then you have the Fantastic 4. The Michael B. Jordan reboot was quickly shelved for its sequel as the comic fans weren't happy that the origin story changed. I definitely think this cast is gone. We will see a rebooted Fantastic Four. Could it get one of the two untitled spots? I'm excited to see what Marvel can do with the X-Men and Fantastic Four especially with Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, and Mark Ruffalo possibly exiting the MCU soon. They've introduced more characters but now they have a deeper bench and a deeper roster. A ton of people in Marvel have been in the Avengers at one point or another. They can even divide in the East Coast Avengers and the West Coast Avengers if they want.

What will happen? Comment below. Find me on Facebook and Twitter. I would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts.


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