Government Shutdown Facts, Along With My Opinion
I again apologize for the late blog. However I was waiting for history to be made. That history had to do with the United States government and it potentially shutting down. Below is a list of comprehensive facts about the government shutdown from multiple sources. We break down the Senate majority, the house majority, the president, the specific date it happened on, Trump’s 2013 comments where he said if he were president he would make a deal and not shut the government down, his secret meeting to get a deal and what he and Chuck had for lunch, The sweeteners of the deal, and what was actually in the deal. Then I’ll leave you with a few comments of my own, as well as a picture if I can find it.
Current senate map. Republicans have the majority.
R- 51
D- 47
I- 2
Then we have the House of Representatives. Republicans have the majority.
R- 238
D- 193
V- 4 (empty seats vacated that need filled.)
This is the first time the government has ever shutdown when one party has control in the House, Senate, & The Presidency.
It happened on a pretty historic day too. The one year anniversary of Trump getting elected.
Another interesting fact about the government shutdown comes from 2013. You know when Trump says he was a deal maker and if he were president the government wouldn’t shutdown.
Trump did try and make that deal by inviting Chuck Schumer to lunch. The post said it was cheeseburgers if you are wondering.
So why did the government shutdown. Here’s a breakdown of the issues.
Republicans included deal sweeteners like
- They temporarily wanted to suspend several unpopular healthcare taxes.
- They were going to refund CHIP. A program that provides funding for low income families with children.
Trump said he didn’t support funding CHIP which had his press team trying to spin it saying he likes children. The fact that Trump doesn’t know what chip is before tweeting can be embarrassing.
So what were the main issues that caused it?
- A border wall that we can’t legally put up. Why? People have been buying land on the border.
- Increased military spending from conservatives/Republicans. Sounds like the opposite of being conservative, right?
- A comprehensive DACA safe immigration plan.
Now it’s time for my brief comments on the subject matter. The government shutdown is absurd, especially over a budget. This type of government was created so no one party could create a dictatorship or a monarchy. It wanted multiple types of people to have the chance to be elected and influence the country. It’s supposed to be about compromise but Americans have turned politics into a religion. They only believe their side. Republicans only believe in news from Fox which is trying to put a spin on it. They denounce other news sources like The New York Times & The Washington Post. Oh by the way Republicans, hopefully you don’t use Amazon, because the Post is owned by the same guy. Democrats are the same with CNN. They wage a war on Fox News and other contemporaries like Breitbart. Good reason for Breitbart too because the majority of their headlines are actually false.
The first year of Trump’s presidency had more to do with dismantling the 2008 & 2012 Presidential winner Barack Obama than taking care of Americans in 2017, 2018, & beyond. Then he tried to make good on his terrible 2016 election agenda. He did all of this and even refused to condemn Nazi’s who have been enemies of America since 1939 officially... But you know what’s good for the voting base is good for Trump? Right?
The American government including all members of the House and Senate should take a long hard look in the mirror. It’s embarrassing they allowed a shutdown to take place. The fact they can’t come to a compromise and just want to push their own party agenda over the American people’s well being makes me sick.
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